Bank Statement Loan Calculator

Other Home Costs


Estimated Monthly Income: $0

Maximum Loan Amount: $0

Estimated Monthly Payment: $0

Notes: As you move the "expense percentage" higher or lower it changes your "monhthly income" and "maximum loan amount". This calculates your monthly income using 12 months of bank statements. As you increase or lower the interest rate the maximum loan amount changes. The calculations for monthly income and monthly payment may be different from the lender's calculation. If you have a W2 employee co-borrower you may qualify for a higher loan amount. The calculations above do not guarantee loan approval. A review of your actual bank statements by a licensed MLO or underwriter will provide more certainty. The estimated monthly payment includes any numbers input for the property taxes, insurance, and HOA fields.

Interested in a California Bank Statement Home Loan | Florida Bank Statement Mortgage | or Texas Self-employed Bank Statement Loan for homes, condos, or townhouses.

DISCLAIMER - This calculator is for illustrative purposes only. Results received from this calculator are designed for comparative purposes only, and accuracy is not guaranteed. does not guarantee the accuracy of any information available on this site, and is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or misrepresentations.

Disclosure: Minimum loan amount is $200,000 for residential loans. Loan programs are subject to change per lender at any time until the loan is approved and the rate is locked. Borrowers must be approved by underwriting. Not all applicants will qualify.